週五, 20 七月 2018 14:58
ISF x PCAL 10-day Summer Intensive Swimming Camp (HK)
Some of the highlights of the 10-day (3 july - 13 July) ISF Summer Intensive Swimming Camp.
Many thanks to Coach Neil Brooks, Coach Simon Joyce, Coach Wing in sharing and inspiring FOG swimmers.
Lots of teambuilding and bonding, lots of useful competitive swimmer training and knowledge on forging a better physique and mental state, endless good memories!
For all videos and photos, check out: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FAKl-EcBumluRKtt0h9mx-IXf0W_4E2-
為期10 天的ISF 弘立書院暑期游泳訓練營經已完滿結束,以下是部分訓練營的精彩花絮和美好回憶,相信每位泳員都從訓練和教練們的陸上/水上分享獲益不淺,希望大家繼續保持這種態度,成為更好的泳手! Go PCAL ☺
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