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週一, 09 七月 2018 06:21

2017 Easter Japan Swimming Camp

太平洋體育顧問協助太平洋游泳會及Coast Aquatics 游泳學校每年在復活節期間的海外訓練營是眾所周知的。 本公司曾帶領過泳員到馬來西亞沙巴、新加坡體育學校和泰國布吉Thanyapura體育度假村作訓練。 在這些訓練營期間,透過與世界級的教練和選手們的交流,泳員們除了提高他們自身的游泳表現外,更重要的是學習到團體精神、不屈不撓的意志和獨立性。 家長們亦可隨團當志願者來幫助,他們的參與讓訓練營更加成功及留下一個美好的家庭回憶。

Pacific Coast Aquatics Limited facilitated Pacific Swimming Club and Coast Aquatics Swimming School for their annual swimming camps for the last couple of years, which include venues such as Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, the Singapore Sports School, Singapore, and the Thanyapura Sports Resort, Thailand.

Not only that we improved our swimmers’ overall swimming performance during these camps, but we also promoted teamwork, elevated their mental strength, and developed their independency while away from home. We have also arranged classes and demonstrations from world-class coaches and swimmers in these camps and interactions with these role models aided our swimmers development. Some of our parents even volunteered to help the smooth running of the camps. It allows our swimmers greatly in concentrating on their swimming and grow bonding of the family with parents actively supporting throughout.

Published in 游泳訓練營